To leverage competitive advantages in international competition you need …

  • Managers who lead culture-sensitive
  • Employees who successfully cooperate in international contexts
  • Project teams which transform cultural differences into success factors
  • Experts from abroad who feel comfortable and stay.

As graduate in Korean studies and personnel developer I have worked internationally and on diverse hierarchic levels for many years. I am familiar with the challenges for leaders and employees, the issues project leaders face, the hurdles of virtual cooperation. I know how it feels to arrive in the unfamiliar and unknown and to return to the "new old".

Today I work for successful cooperation in international business.

Discovering potentials

Linking people

Shaping future

About me

You would like to learn more about me?
Then I invite you to read more here.


You want to know how you can significantly broaden your view and navigate more confident through intercultural uncertainties and ambiguities?
Then read what can be achieved with Coaching.


You want to make your personnel fit for international business? Please read how you can create a basis for successful dialogue.